You know there will be challenges. You know it will be costly. But just think of how much you'll get back on the other side, right?
You'd be a fool not to go to law school. Just like you'd be a fool not to get five chili cheese dogs for $5...
Just look. So much opportunity. So much promise. It's all ahead of you and the world is your oyster.
Hey, this is great! I'm a pretty big shot. Looks a little complicated, but I can handle this...
Dear heavens, that is a lot of chili dog... But it's still fun, right? Hey, I get to dress up today. I'm a regular Alley McBeal.
This is probably too much chili dog.
This is about where I really hit the wall. I began to question my faith. How could a loving supreme being allow this?... And should I die before this journey's through, happy day; all is well...
I finished. For now. But was it worth it?
Man, I really hate myself...